Stockholm, 2023, 78 min
In this final part of the Belleville trilogy, the filmmaker receives life-altering news and takes a journey through her own history. We follow a child astronaut’s lonely travels through space, and aging gangster Vincent, who, while moving away from his violent life, makes a find in his basement. An intimate and poetic story about memory and the fragility of existence.
Director: Mia Engberg
Voices: Louédé Anderson Djio, Mia Engberg, Tallulah Whitaker
Camera: Milja Rossi, Mia Engberg, Göran Hugo Olsson, Daniel Takács
Producer: Tobias Janson for Story
Artistic research project, Paris and Stockholm 2015 – 2020.
Mia Engberg’s project The Visual Silence aims to examine and develop a film aesthetic that approaches silence and challenges the voyeuristic tradition of cinema. The study is based on feminist and postcolonial theories and is also inspired by Buddhist meditation and the do-it-yourself practice of punk rock. The project was carried out with financial support from the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Film Institute.
For more info, please visit exposition in Research Catalogue.
Bok, Stockholm 2020
Kanske är jag död när du läser det här. Eller så är jag lika levande som du och den här tiden kommer vara en parentes som bleknar bort som alla andra parenteser i livet och vardagen kommer återigen vara lika vardaglig som alltid.
Filmaren Mia Engberg står redo att spela in sin tredje långfilm i Paris, hennes dittills dyraste och mest omfattande produktion, då filmens och livets olika omständigheter tvingar in henne i en kris som är både konstnärlig och existentiell. Den visuella tystnaden är en personlig och mångbottnad essä där vardagens olika värden flätas samman med ett kreativt sökande och en resa i dödens närhet. Vi får följa med till Marguerite Duras hus på stranden i Trouville, till Derek Jarmans blå universum och till Ellen Ripleys blodiga strid mot ett modermonster på en främmande planet.
Den visuella tystnaden ges ut av POV Books som är ett nystartat förlag med fokus på filmlitteratur. Release oktober 2020.
Kontakt: jon@povfilm.se, info@story.se
Legendary feminist ska-band 1998 –
Song and drums: Catrin Lundström
Song and keyboard: Nandi Vileika
Song and bass: Mia Engberg
Song and guitar: Lo Kauppi
Song and saxophone: Josefin Brink
Bok, Göteborg 2013.
”Mia vill berätta historien om sin ungdom, om mannen, om tidens gång och om minnena som blir allt suddigare med åren och samtidigt allt viktigare. Men hur gör man film om det som är ofilmat och det som inte låter sig filmas?
Detta nummer av Göteborg Filmfestivals tidskrift Filmkonst är Mia Engbergs berättelse om hur hon skapade Belleville Baby. I personliga kapitel tar hon läsaren genom den kreativa processen, på jakt efter det rätta uttrycket.
Det är en avklarnad och inspirerande redogörelse för hur man utmanar invanda tankemönster. En bok för filmare, för andra som skapar och för alla som vill låta själen ta nya vägar.”
Marit Kapla, konstnärlig ledare Göteborg Filmfestival
Stockholm, Paris, Marseille 2013, 75 min
A long distance call from a long lost lover makes her reminisce about their common past. She remembers the spring when they met in Paris, the riots, the vespa and the cat named Baby. A film about love, time and things that got lost on the way.
Director: Mia Engberg
Producer: Tobias Janson for Story
Music composing: Michel Wenzer
Supervisor: Kalle Boman
Voice of Vincent: Olivier Desautel
First Assistant Director: Åsa Sandzén
Stills: Christian Demare
Sound design: Jan Alvermark
Sound mix: Jan Alvermark and Owe Svensson
Additional Camera: Albin Biblom, Ewa Cederstam
Paris, 2019, 76 min
Vincent is working long nights in the Paris underworld. He has long since stopped dreaming of another life, but when he unexpectedly has to take care of his teenage daughter, Adina, his world starts to change. Lucky One is the second part in Mia Engbergs trilogy that begins with Belleville Baby. Written and directed by Mia Engberg.
Actors: Olivier Loustau, Lorette Nyssen, Diana Rudychenko, Bruno La Brasca
Director: Mia Engberg
Screenplay: Mia Engberg
Producer: Tobias Janson for Story
Music composing: Michel Wenzer
Paris 1994, 10 min, video
A film about children living in the streets in North East Paris. Most of them have African origin and come from families with many children and no permit to stay in France.
Director/Photography/Editing: Mia Engberg
Sound: Macalou Mamadou
Production: Ateliers Varan, Paris
Stockholm 2009, 105 min, shot on mobile phone
12 shorts of feminist porn produced by Mia Engberg directed by a diverse collection of swedish artists and film makers. Hardcore action and vanilla sex, queer and straight, flashing and fucking, provocation, penetration and poetry. The project is aiming to find new ways of expressing sexuality on film and to challenge our view on gender and erotica. Dirty Diaries was funded by The Swedish Filminstitute and has gained a lot of attention worldwide.
Producer: Mia Engberg
Directors: Elin Magnusson. Åsa Sandzén, Joanna Rytel, Marit Östberg, Ester Martin Bergsmark, Sara Kaaman, Ingrid Ryberg, Pella Kågerman, Jennifer Rainsford, Nelli, Wolf Madame and Tora Mårtens.
Editing: Hanna Lejonqvist, Marinella Angusti
Sound design: Agnieszka Lewalski
Music: Fever Ray
Associate producer: Göran Olsson for Story AB
Dirty Diaries was created to explore what porn could be from the perspective of the female gaze and queer identity. The films were made with a mobile phone camera and a small amount of funding from the Swedish Film Institute. The project caused a lot of controversy in Sweden, but also a worldwide recognition for its artistic quality and its groundbreaking nature.
2019 we celebrated the 10 year anniversary of Dirty Diaries by releasing a special edition with two new films. We proudly present Ladybeard by Marit Östberg and Instinct by Ester Martin Bergsmark, Mad Kate, Adrienne Teicher and Marit Östberg.
Read more about Dirty diaries and order the films here!
New York 1996, 23 min
Three women came to New York to seek happiness and they all ended up at Parkside Residence, the Salvation Army’s residence for women. ”Even if I don’t become famous or even semi-famous I just hope that, at the age of
65, I’m not living in this room.”
Director and camera: Mia Engberg
Editing: Göran Olsson and Mia Engberg
Production: Lo Kauppi for Dramatiska Institutet
San Francisco 1999, 10 min
To be a woman and then become a man when you live together with a dyke that might actually be a gay man. What is manhood? Will you become a better man if you know how it is to be a woman? A film on gender-bending in San Francisco.
Director, camera and editing: Mia Engberg
Sound: Anna Hallberg
Stockholm 1997, 28 min
Kalle is gay, skinhead and HIV-positive. We follow Kalle and his friends. Henrik and Ibrahim during the Christmas holiday. They do drugs, discuss life and their hatred of people in general. They also talk about death,which they sometimes long for. It is Kalle’s last Christmas alive.
Nominated for a Swedish Golden Bug 1997. First prize at the Munich FilmFestival.
Director and editing: Mia Engberg
Camera: Ewa Cederstam Sound: Torsten Rundquist
Production: Anita Oxburgh Migma Film AB
Vänersborg 1997, 28 min
A film about Anna who is an Animal Rights activist and Straight-Edge. ”I might be naïve, but I want to believe that the world can be changed.”
Director and camera: Mia Engberg
Cinematography: Ewa Cederstam
Sound: Frida Englund
Editing: Carl Javér
Production: Göta Film AB for SVT Göteborg
San Francisco 1999, 5 min
A portrait of the punk legend Jello Biafra. The film includes archive footage from the early 80s when Biafra ran for Mayor in San Francisco. There are also images of the Dead Kennedys and Spoken Word performances with Jello Biafra today.
Director, camera and editing: Mia Engberg
Sound: Anna Hallberg
Production: Mia Engberg for the TV-series Ikon
Stockholm 2003, 45 min
Is it possible to make feminist porn? We follow the collaboration and discussions behind the scenes of the film Selma & Sofie. Sara and Camilla – who play the leading parts – come from a small place in the north of
Sweden, and have never done anything like this before.
Director: Mia Engberg and Nanna Huolman
Camera: Nanna Huolman, Sara Swanson
Sound: Sara Swansson, Marie-Louise Nilebrink
Editing: Eva Hillström
Production: Lotta Suarez Mazar for Story AB
Stockholm 2001, 18 min
Selma has a boring job and a boring boyfriend. When she meets Sofie in the bathhouse, she can’t stop thinking about her. A feminist attempt at alternative porn; about being in love with your swimming instructor, and wanting to have sex with her all he time. The film team consisted of women
Director: Mia Engberg
Camera: Ewa Cederstam Sound: Marie-Louise Nilebrink
Set Designer: Kajsa Åman
Production: Lotta Suarez-Mazar for Sexy Film
Stockholm, 2005, 58 min
165 Hässelby is a film about Ayesha, Frazze, Julio and ”Dino” who live in the high-rise blocks around Hässelby Gård, about wanting to change the world; about painting graffiti although you might end up in jail; about dealing with Swedish authorities when you don’t speak Swedish that well. But above all, this is an homage to the suburbs of Stockholm, and to the people there.
Director: Mia Engberg
Camera: Malin Korkeasalo, Ewa Cederstam, Göran Olsson
Editing: Eva Hillström, Daniel Jonsäter, Mia Engberg
Producer: Jenny Örnborn for Story AB
Stockholm 2007, 3 min, mobile phone
Faces of women masturbating. A part of the Dirty Diaries. Made initially as a contribution to the Mobile Movies competition at Stockholm Filmfestival.
Director, producer, editing, sound: Mia Engberg